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  • #245


    1. GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS, pay attention to your surroundings and use your bell or voice if you are approaching someone who cannot see you. Slow down when passing pedestrians, do not intentionally startle people. 10km/h should be the approximate passing speed around pedestrians.

    2. GIVE WAY TO THOSE IN FRONT OF YOU. This is similar to “give way to those downhill” in snowboarding. If they are carving give them room and don’t attempt to pass them until they stop carving and move over. When passing, say “on your right” to let someone know you are going to overtake.

    3. MAINTAIN A LINE OF SIGHT with at least one person in front of you and one person behind you. If you get out of sight ahead of the rest of the group, slow down and wait for them to catch up This only applies to group rides, not time trials.

    4. PASS ON THE RIGHT ONLY; don’t pass on the left. If you are riding slowly, please keep left. Don’t stop on the right side of pathways in the direction of travel; stop as far left as possible.

    5. USE HAND SIGNALS to indicate your movements while riding:
    5a. Point left and right with index finger and arm extended to indicate turning motion.
    5b. Use a fully open hand, held up or to either side, to let others know you are stopping or slowing down.
    5c. Wave one or both arms up and down like a bird to let others know you just rode over uneven or damaged surfaces.
    5d. Point down at obstacles or badly damaged surfaces you see. Point toward dogs off lead or small children who may pose a risk.
    5e. If you spot the police, pat your helmet repeatedly to alert others in the group. Don’t shout “police” or similar.

    6. TURN YOUR LIGHTS ON BEFORE IT’S DARK. Don’t rock up to night or evening rides if you haven’t got front and rear lights on your hardware.

    7. WEAR A HELMET. Make sure it’s properly fitted. Make sure the strap is done up or buckled correctly. If you don’t bring one, you will be handed one. If you don’t wear one and still try to ride with us, you’ll be asked to not join us in the future, and I’ll kick you from the group.

    8. LEND ASSISTANCE TO THE INJURED. This includes other members of our group, and members of the public. Let the group know to stop if there’s a fall or injury. Have someone find me (Michael) or Matt, we carry first aid. I am personally trained in first aid.

    9. ASK PERMISSION FIRST before riding someone else’s hardware. These are expensive devices and some people rely on them as their primary mode of transport. Be respectful when riding someone else’s hardware and don’t push it to the limits or ride it in a way that might cause damage. If you want to change device settings, ask the owner first. Don’t allow members of the public you just met to ride your device – they could steal it.

    10. SHOW RESPECT TO EVERYONE. This includes other members of our group, and members of the public. If you are disrespectful or abusive to the point of drawing negative attention, I’ll kick you from the group. Don’t engage with haters. Ignore them and ride on. If we are stopped on a break and receiving abuse from a member of the public, come see me.

    What you ride is up to you and you will take full responsibility for your own actions and any legality issues. If not, please do not attend. Read the disclaimer below for further clarification.


    Any organisers and any individuals associated with the EVENT or GROUP RIDE mentioned herein, including but not limited to SAESK8 and their agents, representatives, and affiliates, shall not be held liable for any legal claims, injuries, damages, losses, or any other adverse outcomes arising from participation in or attendance at the aforementioned EVENT or GROUP RIDE.

    Participants and attendees of this EVENT or GROUP RIDE are hereby acknowledging and accepting that their participation is voluntary and at their own risk. By participating or attending, individuals assume full responsibility for any personal injury, property damage, or any other consequences that may arise. They are also responsible for ensuring their compliance with any applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

    Any organisers and individuals associated with the EVENT or GROUP RIDE shall not be liable for any third-party claims or disputes that may arise in connection with the EVENT or GROUP RIDE.

    By participating in or attending the EVENT or GROUP RIDE, all individuals agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the organisers and any associated individuals from any and all liability for any claims, demands, causes of action, costs, or expenses arising from their participation or attendance at the EVENT or GROUP RIDE.

    This disclaimer is in effect for all participants and attendees and is legally binding upon their participation in the EVENT or GROUP RIDE. If you do not agree with the terms outlined in this disclaimer, we advise you not to participate or attend.

    By participating in or attending the EVENT or GROUP RIDE, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in this disclaimer.

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